The Connect Alliance is a network of 8 leading independent media representatives working together to better meet the common needs of their media partners in a fast changing media world.

Current Connect Alliance Members include: The International Media House, K Media Italy, Mercury Publicity UK, Media Overland and Media Sales (MSC) Germany, Mediacontact International Belgium, Media Embassy International France & Phoenix Media Switzerland.

Our Philosophy

Each partner is a leading sales organisation in their market representing a limited number of leading media owners

Each partner guarantees an excellent level of service from a devoted sales team

All of the partners have efficient sales structures and professionally promote their media

Each partner has a strong presence in their market through marketing activities including newsletters, mailings, press releases, PR events and informative websites

Each partner has developed strong expertise on the sales of quality websites, promoting individual media brands to deliver consistently high pricing

Our Service – Your Benefit

A tailor made sales and marketing approach

Full exchange of information and ideas

Common quality standards in each market

Coordinated reporting and handling of shared accounts

Newsletter on market developments and media trends

An annual Partner meeting to address industry challenges