2019.07.08 M Publicite remains one of the mains media group in digital audience in France

Kmedia Spain is proud to announce that its represented media in France, Groupe Le Monde keeps the 1st  place in term of page views.

The Régie M Publicité (Le Monde Group and the websites of Radio France) has 26 million internet users (-4% vs. March 2019) during the month (77% of mobile use).

Every day, 4.1 million Internet users have connected to the Internet on average.


The Le Monde Group brings together more than 23 million Internet users in April 2019 and 77% of its audience is mobile. 3.5 million Internet users have logged on average each day.

  • LE MONDE, keeps the 6th place in the news sub-category with 16.4 million unique visitors.

It remains 1st in terms of page views (409 141 000 PV) and is ranked 2nd in time spent per person on mobile 28’31, behind RMC.

  • HUFFPOST remains 11th in the News sub-category with 9.3M unique visitors each month and 896,000 each day. 80% of its audience is mobile.
  • L’OBS ranks 14th in the news sub-category with 7.8 million unique visitors and 579,000 online users each day.
  • COURRIER INTERNATIONAL, brings together nearly 2 million unique visitors (+ 22% vs. March 2019) and 118,000 Internet users on average each day.
  • TÉLÉRAMA, 3.5 M monthly unique visitors. More than 61% of its audience is mobile.